Thursday, November 27, 2008

外国公司驻上海代表处注册Estabishing a Representative Office Registration in Shanghai


1) 外国公司开业证明认证件1份(需中国驻所在国领事馆公证);
2) 外国公司银行资信证明原件1份(最近6个月);
3) 开业申请书(原件1份);
4) 首代委派书(原件1份);
5) 首代中文简历、护照、照片,若中国人任首代,还需工作证复印件和资格认定;
6) 驻在证明(原件)、指定办公场地、产权证、租房合同(原件)、租赁备案;
7) 其他相关文件;

1) 预登记:五个工作日;
2) 办理登记证:五个工作日;
3) 办理组织机构代码及刻章:三个工作日;
4) 税务登记后续手续:十五个工作日注:以上办理时间供参考。实际以政府部门审批时间为准。

Representative Office Registration

1. Document required:
1.1 The photocopy of the business license of its parent company, request the confirmation from the China consulate which located at the same country to the investor.
1.2 Original Credit certificate of its parent company (the latest 6 months)
1.3 The application letter for setting a Representative Office. <1piece>
1.4 The power of attorney for the Chief Representative <>
1.5 The photocopies of Chinese resume, passport of the chief representative, and 2 pcs of his/ her passport size photos. If appoint a Chinese person to be the chief representative, need offer the contract between the authorized chief representative and Foreign Service Centre.
1.6 A draft lease contract of your office premise. The office building should be approved to be used as Representative office by Shanghai Foreign Economic Relation &Trade Commission.
1.7 Introduction of the parent company, including the company name, established date, registered location & capital, business scope etc.
1.8 Other related documents if necessary.

2. Procedure & Timing
2.1 Pre-register at the website of Administration of Industry and Commerce: about 5 working days.
2.2 Apply for registration certification: 5 working days
2.3 Apply for the Organization Code License & company chop: 3 working days
2.4 Register with Shanghai Taxation Bureau & other related procedures: 10 working days
All above actual timing will be appreciably adjusted based on the audit speed of administration.

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