Thursday, December 4, 2008

外资公司(生产类)注册登记Manufacture Registration

1、 所需材料如下:1) 开业证明公证件2份;(个人投资则查验护照原件);2) 外国公司银行资信证明原件1份;(个人亦需提供)3) 外国公司法定代表人身份证或护照复印件各一份;
4) 拟设外资公司监事护照复印件5) 拟设外资公司法定代表人简历一份和一寸免冠照片2张;
6) 拟设外资公司名称字号5个以上;
7) 拟设外资公司经营范围;
9) 其他相关资料。
2、 手续和流程: 查名—环境评估—办理批准证书—办理工商营业执照—办理组织机构代码证—办理税务登记证—办理外汇登记和银行开户—办理统计证—办理财政登记证
3、 手续办理时间:1)查名:五个工作日;
4、 政府规费:(单位:人民币)1)查名:180元;
7)外汇开户许可证:0 元;
Manufacture Registration
1. Required documents:
1.1 Notarial documents. Request business license of the parent company but copies of passport for individual investor only.
1.2 Two pcs original credit certificate of the foreign investor, It should be given by the bank where an investor has opened account.
1.3 The photocopies of ID card or passport of the legal representative of their parent company
1.4 The basic information of the authorized legal representative, which including resume, photocopy of the passport and 2 pieces of passport size photos.
1.5 Proposed at least 5 company names.
1.6 Proposed the business scope.
1.7 Registered address, leasing contract, certificate of real estate, layout of the manufacture etc.
1.8 Other related document if necessary.
2. Procedure & Timing
2.1 Name Checking: 3 working days
2.2 Environment protection measures: 10 working days
2.3 Apply for Approval Certificate: 15 working days
2.4 Business License: 10 working days (Check the site-status by Administration of Industry and Commerce)
2.5 Organization code License: 1 working day
2.6 Foreign exchange registration and Bank account opening: 7 working days
2.7 Taxation Registration: 10 working days
All above actual timing will be appreciably adjusted based on the audit speed of administrations.
3. Administration Fees:
3.1 Name checking: 180RMB
3.2 Report of Environment protection measures: 3500RMB
3.3 Approval certificate: 20RMB
3.4 Business License: 5000RMB
3.5 Organization code Certificate: 148 RMB
3.6 Taxation Registration: 100RMB
3.7 Permission for foreign exchange Accounts: 500 RMB
3.8 Statistical Certificate: 20 RMB
3.9 Finance register: 20RMB
3.10 Check the registered capital: need to consult with the chartered public accountant.
Above estimated price is just based on the proposed registered capital 140000 USD , actual cost should be paid base on the formal invoice which issued by Administration .

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